Monday, December 29, 2008

Tights. Make. Sense.

Der Blaubermund

We interrupt your regular programming to bring you this public service announcement. Winter is now officially upon us. And while you many be tempted by pants, let me tell you all why tights make sense.

Two pairs of tights layered will keep your legs warmer than any pair of pants.

Ivy Taicho side

There are many different weights and types of tights. Try a pair of wool tights if the opaque pairs from your childhood don't cut it.

We Wish you a Merry Christmas

Tights can be worn under pants for additional warmth. The also provide coverage and extra ornamentation if you happen to fancy like those sorts of pants that look like they had a disagreement with a lawnmower.


Dark tights lengthen and thin your legs.

Purple People Eater

Tights allow you to wear those shorts and other summer wear well into winter.


Tights, a pair of boots, and a short, leggy number are perfect for rainy days. No more dragging around mud on your pants cuffs or wet ankles.

Rag Time

Tights can be worn in many colors and typically work out better than brightly colored pants.

I walk on the wild side

Tights are more comfortable than jeans. Tumblers, ice skaters, and acrobatics all know it. And of course, superheroes. In fact, jeans aren't really comfortable at all, but that's a conversation for another post.

Why So Serious?

Now that we've got that out of the way, a few tips on tights. If they give you a muffin top, seek out low rise varieties. They do exist.

Victoriana Lolita

If you can't stand that waistband, seek out thigh highs. Sock Dreams Long Cuffable, Scrunchable socks are one of my favs. They go ALL the way up your legs.


Also, don't just stick to plain black tights. Make your tights a part of the outfit, not just a necessity to keep you warm.

Call me Huck Finn

While I think no tights collection is complete without a black pair, seek out bright colors that fit in well with your wardrobe, and don't just default to black.

Bella Inanitas Stella

Fishnets make anything hot. The patterned variety will earn you compliments.


White tights, patterned tights, and heavier weight tights will likely make you legs look bigger. Play with proportion to get a result you like.

Wallpaper to Go

Matching your shoe color to your tights will also give you legs for days, and help with the leg stumpifying power of some tights.


If your nails tend to snag your tights, use a pair of gloves to put them on and take them off.

Texas Heiress

Tight with tights,

Ivy Frozen

P.S. I blame all typos on vicodin.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas All!

Victorian Nut

I hopped in my time machine to wish you all a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you kids are celebrating now. As a present to you all, I present a couple of terrible photos illustrating how I have trouble posing with other people. Click the Read More! link to view them and see me use my time machine even more.

christmas 08

I <3 align="center">The Smile

My sister and I dressed up in our Christmas dresses. My patented smile.

If you care, I'm wearing vintage dresses I altered in the two current photos of me. The green one had a hole in the back, so I had to cut it shorter than I would have liked. I'll have to see if I can find some matching-enough trim to go around that hem.

Anywho, I hope you're enjoying your holidays. I just had my wisdom teeth out, so now I have plenty of time to sleep and update my various pages in between staring at the phone and demanding that it ring. And longing for Jamba juice. It was promised to me. Bananaberry.

Suffering from a major case of the magnet effect,

Ivy Frozen

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Cube Revisited


It being the season and all, I decided to pay Marshalls another visit and raided their Cube section. There's definitely a quick turn over, and some good bargains to be had. They keep a good selection too, making it easy to find something for every girl's tastes. The staff is also friendly. All you last minute shoppers might consider paying them a visit. Or you might just wait and use your holiday gift money to hoard cute stuff for yourself. For a more detailed review, see my first review of the Cube here. Get more information on the Cube and where to find one here. And if there is no Marshalls with a cube near you, fret not. They have a lot of the same stuff sprinkled throughout the juniors section. It's just not presented as nicely. Click the Read More! link to see what I couldn't resist picking up.

With her hand on my head

This purple top. Ruffle? Check. Rich color? Check. Feels good? Check. The top is actually long enough to be worn as a dress, but it threatens to cross into chocha territory with rigorous movement. You know, rigorous, like walking or sitting down.

Rag Time

This dress. Too bad I didn't pick up the matching shoes. I know all those fashionables deride matching, but I love love love it. As for this dress, it just the perfect gothic rainy day dress for me. And of course, pattern mixing! Even my boyfriend who hates the swamping muu muu dress loved it.

Christmas Prism Power

And last, also featured in this posts first image, the most comfortable shoes ever. Seriously. These beat out many a pair of flats and lower heels in the comfort area. They make my low heels feel like flats after I wear them. Plus, they're freakin cute and were freakin cheap. Score! This years Christmas shoes fo' sho'. Sorry about that. All my friends are turning gangsta and bringing me along fo' the ride.

In the name of Christmas, I will punish you. Golden Age style. Okay, maybe not.

Ivy Frozen

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm Baaack

I'm Baaack

And better than ever. Maybe. Sort of. It's finals time, so I'll still be sparce around here, but I hope to post once or twice a week. Or more. And to those who sent me e-mails, I'm a little backlogged so forgive me if a take a bit to answer them. Today I'm going to turn the floor over to some vintage Ladies Home Journal articles I got from microfilm. Click the Read More! link to take a look at them.

Click on the images to head over to their flickr page. Above the image there should be an icon of a magnifying glass. Click that to access multiple sizes of it. Large or orginal should be enough to read these.

The first article is "How to Dress Well and Cheaply." It's from the January 1884 edition of Ladies Home Journal and is that paragraph in the middle of the page. I liked this one since the advice contained in it is as good now as it was over 100 years ago. Also note that the black dress was considered a goto even before the little black dress was coined. While I certainly don't exactly follow all of the advice in there--it just doesn't quie suit me-- I don't believe I could think of a bad thing to say about anyone who did follow it. They probably would look quite chic.

how to dress well and cheaply advertisement ladies home journal jan 1884

The second article is Be Yourself from the February 1936 edition of Ladies Home Journal. You'll have to go up to orginal size on this one. It's a bit hard to make out, but it can be done. Natuarally, I champion this article very much which talks about the wonders of standing out versus standing in and bemoans the group clone looks. The prose is also very well done; it has a good upbeat tempo to it. Inspiring, encouraging, and once again, it's timeless advice.

be yourself ladies home journal Feb 1936

That's it for now, chickadees. More stuff to come soon.

Working like a dog,

Ivy Frozen

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