Monday, February 16, 2009

Still Alive

So, I'm still alive. Sorry; I tend to get wrapped up in my sewing and not update over here. You can almost always assume if I haven't updated in a bit though that I am feverishly sewing and will return with lots of eyecandy for you. I've never been good at keeping up diaries. I'm too busy doing stuff and starting new projects to take the time to write about the old ones. But, if you'll put up with my wayward ways, I shall return to you. 'Cause I'm cyclical like that. I suppose I would be like the moon, ever turning through a series of phases including the mass sewing phase, internet boredom phase, and of course the good little blogger phase. Stay tuned for my return to that. Or in any case, I'll have some new posts up soon =)

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